Ms. Shelby Luo

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Ms. Shelby Luo

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Koti> Blogi> What is Carbon Fiber Sheet?

What is Carbon Fiber Sheet?

September 15, 2020
Carbon fiber is a high-strength, high-modulus fiber with a carbon content of more than 90%.

High temperature resistance of carbon fiber ranks first among all chemical fibers. It is made of acrylic fiber and viscose fiber as raw materials and is oxidized and carbonized at high temperature. It is an excellent material for manufacturing high-tech equipment such as aerospace and aviation.
Carbon Fiber
A special fiber composed of carbon elements. It has the characteristics of high temperature resistance, friction resistance, electrical conductivity, heat conduction and corrosion resistance. The appearance is fibrous, soft, and can be processed into various fabrics. Because of its graphite microcrystalline structure is preferably oriented along the fiber axis, it has a high Strength and modulus. Carbon fiber has a low density, so its specific strength and specific modulus are high. The main purpose of carbon fiber is to composite with resin, metal, ceramics and carbon as a reinforcing material to make advanced composite materials. Carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resin composite material has the highest specific strength and specific modulus among existing engineering materials.
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Ms. Shelby Luo



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